Finding Joy in Our Journey

Finding Joy in Our Journey
"I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world." George Washington

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

 I found some cute ideas to make flowers from yarn at knitpicks I made several, and attatched them to hair pins. It was a lot of fun. There were so many possibilities to create.
I also made a few flowers from tulle and added a  few crystals to give them a little "sparkle".  I decided to attach one of the tulle flowers to ribbon and use it as a necklace.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


"The kiss of sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer to God's heart in a garden,
than anywhere else on earth."
Dorothy Frances Gurney "Garden Thoughts"
I love to have a garden, it is good for the soul.  Gardening as a family is a wonderful way to spend time together and to build family unity and love.

"I have never had so many good ideas, day after day, as when I worked in the garden."
John Erskine

Sandbox Party

Today we had a party in the sandbox.  The kids made a cake and various "treats" with sand.  They even adorned some of the party favors with wild flowers.  Sandboxes can be a magical place for kids to create and use their imaginations.
Here is a recipe for Edible "Sand"
Chocolate and Vanilla Pudding
Sour gummy worms
Grahm Crackers
make the chocolate and vanilla pudding according to directions, let set.
Pour the set pudding in a clean beach pail.  Mix some of the gummy worms into the pudding. Save some for the top. Crush graham crackers and sprinkle on top, to resemble sand.  Serve with a new beach shovel.
There are variations to this treat, such as using oreo cookies, whip cream, etc. Be creative and have fun!!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Boys, Boys, Boys!

We have a covey of boys at our house. They get into little wrestling matches, build forts out of logs, and rocks, play in the sandbox, climb......everything! Although from time to time there are little squabbles, my heart is touched, when I see brotherly love!

Rainy day fun!

I found this cool recipe for play-dough cookies at the idea room  , it was such a fun activity for the kids.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April Showers bring May Flowers!

So it has been raining for a few days now. Actually it has been pleasant.  The gentle rain is kind of soothing. The plants and trees are soaking it up.  Blankets of grass are deepening in rich shades of green.  We had a new calf born a few days ago.  Its front hooves are bent down,(knuckling) so it cannot stand properly.  We are fashioning some stents to help strengthen his legs, until he can stand straight without assistance.  We have done it before with some other calves, and it worked beautifully.  The calves mamma, has not been too cooperative.  She has been a little SASSY! Worried about her baby, and being in the pen. I am sure she will calm down soon. 
The kids have been enjoying the warmer weather, and love to be outside.  They have been creating houses out of logs and bikes, and anything laying around.  They are also excited about our new kitties.  Four little tiny things.  They are too small to hold and play with now, but we take little peeks at them during the day.